‘Real-time’ health intelligence,
for everyone.
A digital platform for smarter patient management.
Trusted by NHS doctors and patients.
How CareIQ works
Collage of many people of different ages
Every patient should feel empowered to take control of their health
How it works

Work together

Have better visibility and control over your health with CareIQ App.

We’ll give you the information you need to work with healthcare professionals and make your own choices to better manage your health.
Woman and man using their smartphone together

Work better

Get more out of your time with CareIQ Radar.

Track your backlogs, automate processes, manage patients and report on progress.

Save up to 97% in admin and clinical workloads by automating repetitive tasks.
Two women using their laptop together

Focus on scale

CareIQ Insights collects, displays, and alerts ‘real time’ data from systems across your organisation / region.

CareIQ Insights gives you clarity across vast amounts of data and makes order out of chaos when seconds count.
Team planning session
Why CareIQ

We look at healthcare holistically.

Healthcare is complex - it’s a dynamic system with millions of things happening, all at once.

At CareIQ, we help make sense of it all. We give you the knowledge and the tools to
make healthcare simpler.

Close to the source

With direct integrations with EMHRs, innovators and connections to PAS', we operate and optimise at every level of the healthcare stack.

Never gets old

We release new features and improvements every single day to help you stay on top of healthcare's challenges

Always reliable

Our systems are highly scalable and redundant. CareIQ is certified to the highest compliance standards.

Smart optimisation

With intelligent automations, we can boost productivity, improve patient outcomes, cut waste and more.

“No one should feel confused about their healthcare.”

Healthcare can be confusing - we get it, we really do. But it doesn’t have to be.

CareIQ founders, Janu and Pratheep, created CareIQ to make healthcare more accessible for people.

After suffering with painful symptoms for years - Janu saw how difficult it was to navigate the healthcare system.

Once he recovered, Janu joined with Pratheep to help others take better control of their health.
Learn the CareIQ Story
Hands holding the bark of a tree